Easy and affordable
Online tutoring sessions in the comfort of your own home. Prices start at $30/hour.
Start lessons with confidence
We connect you with a professional tutor no matter where you live. No safety concerns, no home visits. Secure online payment via PayPal.
First lesson is free
Your first lesson is free! No transportation or home visit required. Connecting with an expert chess tutor is now simple and easy.
How does it work?
- 1. All you need is a Skype account, camera, microphone and desire to learn chess. You can download Skype here.
- 2. Apply for your first free demo lesson or choose from 2 payment options. You can purchase 1 to 4 hours. We will contact you within 24 hours and schedule your class at your convenience.
- 3. Our tutors use Skype and specialized chess software to create a quality learning environment.
Why learn chess?
- Playing chess for 3, 6 or 12 months will provide many benefits for you and your child. Chess improves your memory, math skills, creativity, reasoning, concentration, logical thinking and decision making.
- Chess is for people of all ages and ability levels. With our online lessons you will have fun and see guaranteed results.
- Chess sharpens the mind for schoolwork and can result in improved grades.
- Practice chess and become smarter! Chess is the most popular mind sport.
- And, of course, chess is great fun!
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